Our vision is to eliminate barriers for everyone affected by
PANS PANDAS to end suffering and rebuild hope.

We’re on a mission to bring together those within and beyond the PANS PANDAS community
to improve health outcomes, deliver education, and accelerate research to help find a cure.

Video by Lisa Mae Films

What is PANS?

Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) is a clinical diagnosis given to children who have a dramatic – sometimes overnight – onset of neuropsychiatric symptoms, including obsessions/compulsions or food restriction.

They are often diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or an eating disorder, but the sudden onset of symptoms separates PANS from these other disorders. In addition, they may have symptoms of depression, irritability, anxiety, and have difficulty with schoolwork.

The cause of PANS is unknown in most cases but is thought to be triggered by infections, metabolic disturbances, and other inflammatory reactions.

Source: Stanford PANS Clinic

What is PANDAS?

Like PANS, children with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) have an acute onset – within 2 to 3 days – of neuropsychiatric symptoms, specifically OCD or tics (involuntary, purposeless movements).

However, PANDAS patients test positive for recent streptococcal infections, such as strep throat, peri-anal strep, or scarlet fever. Like PANS patients, they also may suffer from uncontrollable emotions, irritability, anxiety, and loss of academic ability and handwriting skills.

Although PANDAS was identified as a medical syndrome more than a decade before PANS, it has been classified as a subset of PANS. To date, PANDAS is the only known subset of PANS, but we may discover more causes in the future. 

PANS/PANDAS present a sudden, seemingly inexplicable change in children.

we honor the well-being of everyone affected by PANS/PANDAS

we courageously create opportunities out of challenges

out-of-the-box thinking

we draw upon the wisdom of the community we serve

we embrace multi-disciplinary and integrative medicine

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